1. Purpose

These General Terms of Sale (the “General Terms”) govern the terms and conditions by which the Client (the « Client » or « You » or « Your ») of Jamendo SA, whose registered office is located at 51 Rue de Strasbourg, L-2561 Luxembourg, Luxembourg, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Luxembourg under number B104301 and with the VAT authorities under number LU22234927 (« Jamendo »), uses the Jamendo Licensing service (the « Service » or « Services ») set up by Jamendo and through which the Client obtains, through the purchase of various licenses or subscriptions, the right to use musical works or any other audio content and related material (lyrics, album covers, etc) (the « Works » or « Music Works ») provided by the members of the Jamendo community (the « Artists ») and available in the Jamendo Licensing catalogue. By purchasing a license through the Service and by accepting these General Terms at the time of the purchase, You agree to be bound by all their provisions. These General Terms and the Jamendo Licensing Specific Terms generated at the time of the purchase (the “Specific Terms”) collectively comprise the « Agreement ».

If You are accepting this Agreement on behalf of Your employer or another entity identified in the Account dashboard, You represent and warrant that You have full authority to bind Your employer or such entity. If You do not have such authority or You do not agree with this Agreement, please do not accept this Agreement and do not purchase any product or service on Jamendo Licensing.

  1. Scope of the license

All rights in the Works, including, without limitation, all copyrights, related rights and other intellectual property rights which are not explicitly granted under these General Terms, are retained by Jamendo or the Artists.

    1. Grant of license under Jamendo Licensing “In-Store” Program

(1) By purchasing an In-Store background music license, Jamendo hereby grants You a license which is non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, limited to the duration indicated in the Specific Terms, as applicable, and enabling You to use playlists of curated Music Works available in Your account dashboard (the “Music Works Selection”) as background music in a public place (broadcasting rights).

This license further authorizes You to reproduce the Music Works Selection on any analog or digital media for the purpose of broadcasting the Music Works Selection in the public place.

(2) Unless otherwise specified in the Specific Terms, In-Store licenses are granted for an initial duration of twelve (12) months (annual subscription) and automatically renew upon expiry for the same duration - a notification will be sent to the Client by Jamendo 15 days in advance for this purpose. You may prevent the automatic renewal by clicking on the ad hoc button in Your account dashboard, at least two (2) days before the end of the license term.

Jamendo reserves the right to charge a new Fee (defined below) for the license renewal corresponding to the public fees in force at the time of renewal. In this case, You will be notified of the increase or decrease of the applicable fees prior to the expiration of Your license. Jamendo also reserves the right to restrict access to the Account dashboard and the Music Works Selection that is part of the In-Store license in the event of Your failure to pay the Fee upon renewal. In such event, interest calculated on the unpaid Fee at the rate of 12% per month shall be due and payable.

(3) After Jamendo’s acknowledgement of Your payment, You will be granted access to:

  • a dedicated streaming page in Your Client’ space allowing You to play the In-Store Music Works Selection online;

  • the dedicated Jamendo In-Store mobile application (iOS, Android,) as well as to the access codes allowing You to log into this application.

  • an access to the Hotmix radio stations on Hotmix http://www.hotmixradio.com/” and its application for all the web and mobile platforms only authorized within the family circle. Any use in particular for the purpose of public address systems in public places or shops, is expressly prohibited.

(4) After Jamendo’s acknowledgement of Your payment, You will be able to print a certificate listing the specific conditions of the license (identification of the Client, duration of the license, identification of the space in which the Works are used, etc.) from Your account dashboard.

(5) The In-Store Music Works Selection will be updated on monthly basis by Jamendo without notice in order to add new Works or remove Works no longer part of the Jamendo Licensing In-Store offer. You agree that You will update accordingly at least every six months all copies of the Music Works selection that You have in Your possession.

    1. Grant of license under Jamendo Licensing “Catalog” Program
      1. General conditions of the Jamendo Licensing “Catalog” license

(1) By purchasing a license for music synchronization, Jamendo hereby grants You a perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable (under certain conditions) and non-sub-licensable license to use, reproduce and communicate to the public a Work as synchronized within a “Project” (as defined below), for the uses enumerated below and valid worldwide or geographically limited depending on the type of Catalog license purchased.

(2) For the purpose of this Agreement a Project (the “Project”) is a single audio or audiovisual or other multimedia creation containing the Work as reproduced in synchronization or timed relation with the rest (or a portion thereof) of the content of said creation. For example, with respect to an audiovisual creation a Project is the final cut of said creation.

(3) For the sake of clarity, whenever a right to synchronize a Work is mentioned in this Agreement, it means that the Work must be used by the Client in a synchronized form with other content (e.g. other audio content, video, images, website); thus, for instance, communicate the Work to the public, and/or have the Work communicated to the public, in an unsynchronized form (i.e. communicate to the public the Work on its own) is hereby prohibited.

(4) You may transfer the completed Project to a third party (e.g. Your client or licensee) to be reproduced and communicated to the public for uses permitted below, provided that such third party shall have no other rights to use the Work (beyond its use as part of the Project); in particular, such third party is not allowed to extract the Work from the Project.

      1. Different type of Jamendo Licensing Catalog Licenses
        1. "Standard" license permitted uses

A Standard license authorizes You to:

  1. Modify or adapt the Work, for the purpose of the uses hereby permitted, provided that You do not modify the Work to the prejudice of any moral rights retained by the Artists;
  2. Modify or adapt the Work to synchronize it with the Project. You are allowed to cut the Work, use loops of it and change its volume (fade-in; fade-out) but You can NOT modify the Work itself (e.g. remix the track, add lyrics to the track);
  3. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it as music for professional and commercial websites. For the avoidance of doubt, said synchronization of the Work shall only allow background (passive) listening experience by online end users;
  4. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it in professional, corporate and commercial videos, advertisements, podcasts and any audio content, and communicate the Project to the public online. However, broadcasting the Project through free-to-the-user (including advertising-supported) or paid or subscription-based online TV and/or making it available to the public through any type of free-to-the-user (including advertising-supported) or paid or subscription-based video on demand service are not allowed under the Project license;
  5. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any audio content.
        1. "National" license permitted uses

A National license includes all uses permitted under a Standard license and further authorizes You to:

    1. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any audio content which is broadcast on national radio (e.g. synchronization with an advert). The radio broadcast can be a terrestrial, cable or satellite radio. For the broadcast on international radio, an upgraded license is required;;
    2. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it in any software or PC/console video game or in a mobile application for smartphones/tablets and distribute unlimited physical/digital copies/download of the Project within the country only. For the international broadcast an upgraded license is required;
    3. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any audio and/or video and/or visual content and communicate the Project nationally to the public through public display and performance in public places such as at points of sale, at professional trade fairs, at conferences (with an unlimited number of listeners and/or participants), at festivals and other live events, or in the framework of performing arts (e.g. theatre plays, dance exhibitions, fireworks).
        1. "National Full “ license permitted uses

An National Full license includes the uses permitted under the Standard license and the National license and further authorizes You to:

  1. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any video content (e.g., advertisements, documentaries, films) for broadcast on national TV. This includes cable, satellite, IPTV, pay-per-view channels, and free-to-air TV channels. Broadcasting on worldwide TV or through paid or subscription-based video-on-demand services requires an upgrade License;
  2. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any video content (e.g. films, documentaries, advertisements) and communicate the Project to the public in cinemas nationwide For broadcast, in cinema worldwide, an upgraded license is required;
  3. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any video content for national video streaming. This includes streaming on national platforms. Broadcasting on worldwide streaming platforms requires an upgrade License.
        1. "Enterprise" license

An Enterprise license includes the uses permitted under the Standard license, the National License and the National Full license and further authorizes You to:

  1. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any audio content which is broadcast on international radio (e.g. synchronization with an advert). The radio broadcast can be a terrestrial, cable or satellite radio;
  2. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it in any software or PC/console video game or in a mobile application for smartphones/tablets and distribute or broadcast internationally unlimited physical/digital copies/download of the Project.
  3. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any audio and/or video and/or visual content and communicate the Project internationally to the public through public display and performance in public places such as at points of sale, at professional trade fairs, at conferences (with an unlimited number of listeners and/or participants), at festivals and other live events, or in the framework of performing arts (e.g. theatre plays, dance exhibitions, fireworks).
        1. "Enterprise Full " license

An Enterprise Full license includes the uses permitted under the Standard license, the National License, the National Full License and the Enterprise license and further authorizes You to:

  1. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any video content (e.g., advertisements, documentaries, films) for broadcast on international TV;
  2. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any video content (e.g. films, documentaries, advertisements) and communicate the Project to the public in cinemas worldwide;
  3. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any video content for international video streaming. This includes streaming on international platforms.

A license may allow other uses and/or be finetuned according to Your needs subject to discussion and in agreement with Jamendo. Should You need such a license with a custom scope, please contact Jamendo.

      1. Unlimited Music Subscription

The Jamendo subscription grants You with an unlimited access to the Jamendo Catalog.

        1. The Personal Subscription

A Personal Subscription authorizes You to:

  1. Modify or adapt the Work, for the purpose of the uses hereby permitted, provided that You do not modify the Work to the prejudice of any moral rights retained by the Artists;
  2. Modify or adapt the Work to synchronize it with Your Projects. You are allowed to cut the Work, use loops of it and change its volume (fade-in; fade-out) but You can NOT modify the Work itself (e.g. remix the track, add lyrics to the track);
  3. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any audio content;
  4. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it in professional, corporate and commercial videos, advertisements and any audio content, and communicate the Project to the public online (website, video channel, podcast,…);
  5. Whitelist a single (Youtube) social media account.
        1. The Professional Subscription

A Professional Subscription authorizes You to:

  1. Modify or adapt the Work, for the purpose of the uses hereby permitted, provided that You do not modify the Work to the prejudice of any moral rights retained by the Artists;
  2. Modify or adapt the Work to synchronize it with Your Projects. You are allowed to cut the Work, use loops of it and change its volume (fade-in; fade-out) but You can NOT modify the Work itself (e.g. remix the track, add lyrics to the track);
  3. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any audio content;
  4. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it in professional, corporate and commercial videos, advertisements and any audio content, and communicate the Project to the public online (website, video channel, podcast,…);
  5. Whitelist 10 (YouTube) social media accounts.
        1. The Agency Subscription

An Agency Subscription authorizes You to:

  1. Modify or adapt the Work, for the purpose of the uses hereby permitted, provided that You do not modify the Work to the prejudice of any moral rights retained by the Artists;
  2. Modify or adapt the Work to synchronize it with Your Projects. You are allowed to cut the Work, use loops of it and change its volume (fade-in; fade-out) but You can NOT modify the Work itself (e.g. remix the track, add lyrics to the track);
  3. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it with any audio content;
  4. Use and reproduce the Work for the purpose of synchronizing it in professional, corporate and commercial videos, advertisements and any audio content, and communicate the Project to the public online (website, video channel, podcast,…);
  5. Whitelist 10 (YouTube) social media accounts;
  6. Allows You to whitelist third party YouTube social media accounts.
        1. The Enterprise Subscription

An Enterprise Subscription may allow other uses and/or be finetuned according to Your needs subject to discussion and in agreement with Jamendo. Should You need such a subscription with a custom scope, please contact Jamendo.

Jamendo may set a limit on the number of license certificates that you can generate on a daily basis.

    1. Prohibited uses

The following uses are prohibited under this Agreement:

(1) Any direct use of the Work, particularly making the Work on its own available through direct download, streaming, as part of a compilation, by distributing CDs, DVDs, jukebox, or any other audio-only product containing a Work which is not synchronized or combined with other video or audio content.

(2) Any use of the Work in a way that is fraudulent, illegal, libelous, defamatory, offensive, discriminatory or in any way that promotes, solicits or encourages the infringement of intellectual property rights, including Artists’ moral rights, or otherwise brings Jamendo into disrepute.

  1. Payment terms - Taxes - Customer's right of withdrawal 

(1) In consideration of the license granted and the Service provided under this Agreement, the Client shall pay a fee (the “Fee”) plus all taxes/VAT applicable (in the amount in effect on the date of the purchase) on the basis of the type of program offered through the Service and specifically selected at the time of the purchase.

(a) Catalog license:

The Client may pay the Fee using the payment methods offered on Jamendo’s website. An invoice for the Fee and access to the account dashboard and to the corresponding Music Work(s) shall be generated at the time of the online purchase and communicated to the Client. When the Agreement prescribes automatic renewal, the Client shall receive a notification stating that his account has been debited at the time of notification of renewal.

(b) In-Store license:

The Client may pay the Fee using the payment methods offered on Jamendo’s website. An invoice for the Fee and access to the account dashboard and to the corresponding Music Works Selection shall be generated at the time of the online purchase and communicated to the Client. When the Agreement prescribes automatic renewal, the Client shall receive a notification stating that his account has been debited at the time of notification of renewal.

(c) Subscription:

The Client may pay the Fee using the payment methods offered on Jamendo’s website. An invoice for the Fee and access to the account dashboard and to the corresponding Music Work(s) shall be generated at the time of the online purchase and communicated to the Client. When the Agreement prescribes automatic renewal, the Client shall receive a notification stating that his account has been debited at the time of notification of renewal.

(d) Wire Transfer:

In certain cases, the Client may also pay the Fee by international bank transfer, subject to Jamendo’s right to invoice the Client additional bank and administrative fees (amounting to a flat rate of 10.00 EUR/USD/GBP). The purchase will be confirmed via notification to the Client once Jamendo has received the Fee. The purchase invoice shall be generated, and Your access to the account dashboard and to the Work(s) enabled, once Jamendo has validated the purchase. If Jamendo does not receive the payment of the Fee within 30 days following the date of the order, the order shall automatically be cancelled.

Except as stated otherwise in this Agreement (consumer right of withdrawal), upon Jamendo’s purchase validation, the order is final, non-cancelable and non-refundable.

(2) You agree to pay for all the Services that You purchase through Jamendo and you authorize Jamendo to debit Your payment method for all Services purchased, as well as any additional amounts (including all taxes and late payment fees, if any) incurred by You or relating to Your Account. You are responsible for the timely payment of all Fees and for providing Jamendo with a valid payment method for the payment of any Fee and related charges. You agree to receive all invoices electronically, including by email. The total price shall include the price of the Services plus all applicable taxes/VAT (at the rate in effect on the date of the purchase).

(3) Right of withdrawal (at a distance purchase): If You are a consumer resident in a Member State of the European Union and purchased at a distance (i.e. online or over the phone), You are entitled to cancel Your purchase order within 14 days from the date of the order without giving any reasons. If You are resident outside the European Union and if the laws of Your country of residence contain public policy provisions applicable to consumers including a similar right of withdrawal, You are entitled to cancel Your purchase order within the applicable time frame. To cancel Your purchase, You must inform Jamendo of Your decision. In order for the decision to be taken into consideration immediately, we recommend that You use the "Contact Us" section (talk-to-us@jamendo.com) or our online instant messaging program in order to cancel Your purchase. You also have the possibility of informing us by using the cancellation form template below or through any other clear statement. In order to comply with the cancellation period, You must send Your notice of cancellation before the expiration of the 14-day period or other applicable time frame.

Consequences of cancellation: Jamendo will refund You the amount corresponding to the Fee you paid within a reasonable time frame from the date of receipt of Your notice of cancellation.

Exception to the right of withdrawal: You cannot, however, cancel Your purchase as a consumer within said period of 14 days (or other applicable time frame) if the use of the Service(s) (e.g. download of Works) has started following Your request and acknowledgement that in doing so, You lose Your right of withdrawal.

Cancellation form template:

  • Recipient: Jamendo SA, 51 Rue de Strasbourg, L-2561 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • I hereby inform you of my decision to cancel my purchase for the following: (insert the reference of the purchase, type of license purchased, etc.)
  • Ordered on (date)/received on (date)
  • Consumer's name
  • Consumer's address
  • Date

(4) Late Payment Interest. Jamendo reserves the right to charge interest in case of late payment by the Client, at the rate of 12% per annum from the due date to the payment date.

Jamendo may request a flat fee of 40.00 EUR to compensate for recovery costs without the necessity of a reminder. Jamendo may also claim a reasonable indemnity to cover for all other costs which exceed this amount (namely to cover the expenses for a lawyer or a debt-collection company).

Jamendo also reserves the right to stop providing the Client with the Service(s), to close the account dashboard and terminate the Agreement.

(5) The Client is responsible for paying any bank or similar fees/charges, sales taxes, valued added taxes and withholding taxes imposed by any jurisdiction for use of the Works and/or deriving from the license granted to You.

(6) Jamendo reserves the right to modify the Fees of the Services and shall not offer any discount or refund in the event of a price drop or a promotional offer subsequent to a purchase by the Client.

  1. Client representations and indemnification obligations 

(1) The use of the Jamendo Licensing Services requires that You register and provide some personal information to Jamendo. You agree to provide Jamendo with accurate and complete information and keep it up-to-date. Login credentials may grant You access to some restricted Services. Such credentials are personal to You and should not be shared with or disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. You agree to hold Jamendo harmless from and against any wrongful use of Your credentials or account, whether or not fraudulent, caused by Your acts or omissions, or those of a third party.

(2) You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Jamendo, its affiliates and the Artists harmless from and against any claims, costs, demands, expenses and liabilities which may result from breach by You or anyone acting on Your behalf or using your credentials or account of any terms of this Agreement.

(3) For each use of the Work You must give attribution to the Artist as follows: “Artist’s Name – Work’s Title”, except where technical constraints make it impossible to give such attribution. You shall also use Your best efforts to include “Provided by Jamendo”.

(4) If You purchase a Catalog license, You agree to transmit to Jamendo a copy of the Project in which the Work is incorporated, and authorize Jamendo to transmit this copy to the Artist for informational purposes only. You also authorize Jamendo to use its copy of the Project to promote its Services.

(5) If You purchase a Catalog license, You must not use the word “Jamendo” or any other element, including but not limited to, Jamendo design, colors, trademarks, domain name or logo, in a manner that suggests that the Project originates with or is endorsed by Jamendo in any way. You must also ensure that the Project user experience and appearance are not confusingly similar to the user experience, appearance or “look and feel” of any part of the Jamendo Services.

(6) You hereby agree and authorize Jamendo to use Your and/or Your legal entity’s name, logo, and/or trademark in order to promote Jamendo Services. You expressly authorize Jamendo to use these elements, for business reference purposes, on its website and in any presentation, report, case study, marketing materials and similar documentation.

  1. Jamendo representations, indemnification and limitation of liability

(1) Jamendo represents that the Artists, by joining Jamendo Licensing’s platform and catalogue and by accepting the Jamendo Licensing Distribution Agreement, represent and warrant that they hold sufficient rights in the Works to grant to Jamendo the required licenses for the distribution of the Works on the Jamendo Licensing platform and, through Jamendo, to its clients and partners under this Agreement. Accordingly, Jamendo represents that Your use of the Work(s) in accordance with this Agreement and in the form delivered by Jamendo will not infringe the copyright and neighboring rights of any third-party.

(2) Jamendo shall defend, indemnify and hold You harmless from and against any third party claim, including related cost reasonably incurred by You, resulting directly from a breach by Jamendo of its representations hereunder. However, any amount to which you are entitled is subject to the following conditions and limitations: (i) You have not breached this Agreement; (ii) You have used the Work(s) in accordance with this Agreement; (iii) You must promptly notify in writing Jamendo of any such claim, as Jamendo is not liable to pay any amounts resulting from such claim that were incurred by You between the date the claim first arose and the date Jamendo received Your notification; (iv) the claim concerned has been settled or has resulted in a final judgment adverse to You rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction; and (v) Jamendo’s liability is limited to 33% of the aggregate Fees You paid to Jamendo during the 12 months preceding the date Jamendo received Your notification.

(3) All Works delivered by Jamendo to You in performance of this Agreement are selected by Jamendo’s Music Team at its sole discretion, employing its own criteria of sound quality, composition quality and/or popularity on the Jamendo website. The Works are provided on an “as is” basis and, except as expressly mentioned in this Agreement, Jamendo disclaims all warranties and conditions of any kind relating to the Works, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

(4) Jamendo does not represent or warrant that You will not be required to pay performing rights fees or any other similar fees to local performing rights organizations or similar collecting societies under specific local statutes or legislations. You are hereby informed and acknowledge that some countries may have laws or regulations imposing the collection of royalties by (a) national / local CMO(s) for the use of music (including, but not limited to, for their reproduction and communication to the public such as in points of sale or other venues accessible to the public) even if the corresponding rights holders are not members of or affiliated with said CMO(s) (b) or any other CMO in the world. This may notably be the case in some countries for the collection of the Equitable Remuneration in the European Union and other countries with legislations providing for such a remuneration.

(5) Jamendo does not represent or warrant that the Service will operate without interruption or error-free, or that the Service will be accessible at all times, and in particular, Jamendo has no responsibility for the quality of Your Internet or connectivity and particularly in the event of Internet network congestion or insufficient Internet connection bandwidth (a minimum internet connection speed of 1Mbit/sec is highly recommended). Jamendo also may temporarily suspend the operation of the Service in order to implement improvements or perform necessary routine or emergency maintenance and will do its best to give You advance notice of any suspension.

(6) Jamendo disclaims all liability to You or any third party for any indirect or consequential liability, cost, claim or damage resulting from the performance of this Agreement, or the lawful termination hereof, including but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of opportunity, loss of reputation, loss of data. Furthermore, Jamendo disclaims all liability for any cost, claim, damage or loss resulting from a modification made to the Work(s) by You or resulting from the context in which the Work(s) is (are) used.

(7) With respect to the all Works and any other copyrighted material owned by third parties in the Service and/or on any Jamendo website, Jamendo is an Online Service Provider under the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act or “DMCA” (17 U.S.C. § 512). Jamendo has implemented procedures to promptly remove such content or information submitted by users when it receives a proper notification of claimed infringement (“Notification”). Such Notification must be in writing and include the following six (6) elements: (1.) physical or electronic signature of a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right alleged to have been infringed; (2.) identification of the copyrighted work alleged to have been infringed; (3.) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity, and which should be removed (or have access disabled); (4.) information sufficient to permit Jamendo to contact the complaining party, such as name, address, telephone number, and if the complaining party has an email address, the email address where the complaining party can be reached; (5.) a statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; and (6.) a statement that the Notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed. The remaining procedures will be followed with respect to any counter-notifications received by Jamendo as well. Please submit any such takedown notice under the DMCA to copyright@jamendo.com with a copy mailed to:

Jamendo S.A.

Legal Department
51, Rue de Strasbourg


  1. Termination

(1) If You breach any of Your obligations hereunder and fail to remedy the breach within 30 (thirty) days of Jamendo’s written notice of such breach (such notice being valid if done by e-mail, fax, regular mail or courier service), Jamendo may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement at any time after such 30-day period, effective upon receipt by You of a written termination notice from Jamendo. The exercise of this termination right by Jamendo shall be without prejudice to its right to seek damages for any harm suffered as a result of such termination.

Upon termination You agree to cease any further use of the Work(s) and to delete all copies of the Work(s) in Your possession.

Section 2.5, Section 3 (until all payments have been made), Section 4, Section 5 (3), (4), (6) and (7), Section 6 and Section 7 (excluding its paragraph (5)) shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

(2) In the case mentioned in paragraph (1) of this Section, the applicable Fee will however remain fully owed by the Client to Jamendo and shall not be subject to any reimbursement.

  1. Miscellaneous

(1) Jamendo reserves the right to revoke or amend the terms of this Agreement and replace the Work with an alternative one for any reason, including but not limited to a claim of alleged copyright infringement by a third party. Upon notification from Jamendo, or if You become aware of such claim, You must immediately stop using the Work at Your own expense and delete all copies in Your possession.

(2) Jamendo is the sole holder of the intellectual property rights relating to its trademarks, patents, software, logos, graphics, images, photographs and animations contained in the Services. They may not be reproduced without Jamendo's express written consent. Jamendo grants You a license to use them, strictly limited to accessing, downloading, reproducing on any digital media and using them, for personal purposes only (unless otherwise indicated in the Specific Terms) and only within the framework of the use of the Services by You and for such time as You are registered for the Services. Any use of the “Jamendo” trademark or logo, alone or associated with other content requires Jamendo's prior written consent (save to the extent expressly authorized under this Agreement, as the case may be).

(3) You are informed and agree that personal data about You may be collected by Jamendo and processed in connection with the provision of the Service(s) as well as in connection with Your use of Your Account dashboard and more generally Your use of Jamendo’s website. The description of the personal data that is collected, of the purpose of the processing and of other aspects related to the management of this data is made in the Privacy Policy available via a link on Jamendo’s website. By accepting this Agreement You acknowledge having read this Privacy Policy and You consent to our use of Your personal data in accordance with said policy.

(4) This Agreement is personal to the Client and may not be assigned to a third party without Jamendo’s prior written consent. Jamendo may assign rights or delegate its obligations under this Agreement to any parent, subsidiary, or as part of a merger or acquisition of its business or its assets.

(5) These General Terms may be periodically updated and modified. You are advised to consult them on Jamendo’s website from time to time.

(6) In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, the parties hereby agree that the other provisions of the Agreement shall remain valid and that the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

(7) This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Luxembourg without regard to any conflict of laws principles. Any dispute arising out of or relating to its interpretation or performance, or the breach thereof, shall be exclusively referred to and settled by the competent courts of Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

(8) This Agreement and all related document have been originally drawn up in English. In the event of any discrepancy between this Agreement translated into other languages and the English version, the English version shall prevail.

Last updated on 12 October 2024

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