Make money with Jamendo

Become partner with the world’s largest royalty-free music platform

  • Artist

    Monetize your music

    Upload your tracks to Jamendo and earn money by having them used for the synchronization of multimedia projects (Catalog) and aired in commercial radios (In-store).

    Thousands of independent artists, composers, and sound designers have chosen Jamendo to monetize their creations, you too can join the community today!

  • Reseller

    Sell Jamendo’s music to your clients

    Jamendo can give you access to its vast library of music for you to provide as an in-store radio solution to your own clients.

    The price you pay to Jamendo is determined based on the surface area where the background music will be broadcasted by your clients. You set your own prices for your clients, and cash the difference.

  • Referral

    Earn up to $250 for everyone you invite

    Send your friends, colleagues and family a 15% discount on their first order.

    You'll earn up to $250 depending on the product they end up buying.